Untold Story #6 Bianca Sabogal, Sharing her Pandemic Pregnancy Story.

Joanell Serra
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


Read the latest in the series “The Untold Story” , highlighting the contributors in the upcoming release, (Her)oics Anthology.

Bianca Sabogal is a Colombian American woman residing in Warwick, NY with her fiancé Ryan, and two son’s, Isaiah and Chance. Bianca has an A.A.S. in Occupational Therapy and is an active member of the recovery community. Ryan and Bianca have over five years clean.

Welcome Bianca! It’s nice to have an update on your story. First, tell us a little bit about your writing experience?

Shortly after the shutdown here in upstate NY, I began to attend writing workshops. New to the scene, I quickly discovered how much I enjoyed it. Writing is a great outlet for me!

What is your essay about? Any updates?

My essay is about my experience navigating through a roller coaster of emotions while having a high risk pregnancy, during the pandemic. 2020 was … a lot, but I never lost hope. One of my fears during the pandemic was the thought of having to deliver my son alone, and that his father wouldn’t be able to experience the birth of his child. Luckily this was not the case! The restrictions in NY changed just in time. On November 17th, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy named Chance, alongside his father! Chance has been our beacon of light in dark times.

What are three things that got you through the pandemic?

Lots of prayer! Being home with my fiancé and son helped so much. I was never alone. Also, the many recovery meetings and family gatherings on zoom were life saving!

What do you miss most about pre-pandemic life?

I miss being able to be around my loved ones, both family and friends. Before this whole thing began, my life consisted of attending recovery meetings, seeing family on holidays, and frequent gatherings with friends. All of that has changed. So much of our family has yet to meet our new baby due to the pandemic and it’s heartbreaking.

What have you learned in this past year of challenges?

I’ve learned to love more, to appreciate the little things in life that I took for granted, like time with friends and family. I learned that I’m a lot stronger than I thought. Staying healthy through a high risk pregnancy, grieving the loss of my father in law, and homeschooling our 13 year old, really opened my eyes to strength that God has given me to continue pressing on.

Please Check out Bianca’s full story and 51 other women’s stories of the pandemic in the (Her)oics Anthology, out March 11.

And consider joining us for events. Details here!



Joanell Serra

Joanell Serra MFT . Writer/therapist/ consultant/social change maker/ bio/adoptive mom. The Vines We Planted debut novel. May 2018. (Wido)